Episode 168

Thinking Through Design Research w/ Joyce Yee & Paul A. Rodgers


October 26th, 2023

57 mins 24 secs

Your Host
Special Guests

About this Episode

Philip spends time with scholars and co-editors Joyce Yee & Paul A. Rodgers discussing the 2nd edition of The Routledge Companion to Design Research. In their conversation, they highlight why they felt a 2nd edition was needed, how they identified new voices and the current state of the field of design research.

The Drop – The segment of the show where Philip and his guest share tasty morsels of intellectual goodness and creative musings.

Philip’s Drop: The Speech:
The Story Behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Dream – Gary Younge

Joyce’s Drop:
Braiding Sweetgrass – Robin Wall Kimmerer

Paul’s Drop:
Design for the Unthinkable World (exhibit): https://www.k-ora.it/en/arte/mostre/design-for-the-unthinkable-world/